Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Economic Development of the World: Part 17

File:Economic integration stages (World).png

Stages of integration around the World: 

(each country colored according to the most advanced
agreement that it participates into.)

  Common market (EEA, EFTA, CES)

We are ready to start talking about the coming one world government.  In the past 16 parts, you should have seen this coming.  Over time, the peoples of the world have been condition slowly to except a government that is here;
·         To control the natural resources of the world
·         To control the markets for those resources
·         To control the transit routes, sea lanes, and pipeline routes for those resources.

You saw three things come out of World War II. The first was the United Nations (UN).
The aims of the UN are; promote world peace protect human rights help developing countries by funding promote better relations between countries promote social, economic and cultural development facilitate international law facilitate international security

Second came the International Court of Justice; (commonly referred to as the World Court or ICJ) is the primary judicial branch of the United Nations. It is based in the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands. Its main functions are to settle legal disputes submitted to it by states and to provide advisory opinions on legal questions submitted to it by duly authorized international branches, agencies, and the UN General Assembly.

Last is NATO which enforces the will of the western world leaders. It is not part of the United Nations but is an independent military force funded by North American and European Nations. When the United Nations Security Council does not act as per the Western Nations feel that they should act, they call on NATO to settle international disputes in favor of the western powers.  

What we have not seen yet is the creation of the executive branch or as many as 10 common markets that will manage trade.  A single market is a type of trade bloc which is composed of a free trade area (for goods) with common policies on product regulation, and freedom of movement of the factors of production (capital and labor) and of enterprise and services. The goal is that the movement of capital, labor, goods, and services between the members is as easy as within them. The physical (borders), technical (standards) and fiscal (taxes) barriers among the member states are removed to the maximum extent possible. These barriers obstruct the freedom of movement of the four factors of production.
A common market is a first stage towards a single market, and may be limited initially to a free trade area with relatively free movement of capital and of services, but not so advanced in reduction of the rest of the trade barriers. This was first put into practice when the United States was first founded. The United States was a federation of 13 states that came together for commerce and common defense. The US founders got this idea from the Five Nations of the Iroquois. They came together to help with the common defense of its states and also for ease of commerce hundreds of years before the Europeans came to America.

At the time of European encounter and colonization, the original Iroquois League, based in present-day New York, was also known as the Five Nations, as it was composed of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca nations. The Five Nations are believed to have emerged as distinct tribes by the 15th century or earlier. Each had a distinct territory and function within the League. Iroquois influence extended into Canada, westward into the Great Lakes and down both sides of the Allegheny Mountains into Virginia and Kentucky. To reduce conflict, they came together in an association known today as the Iroquois League, which in their language was known as the League of Peace and Power. The League is embodied in the Grand Council, an assembly of fifty hereditary sachems. I have met members of this Native American Federation as late as 2013. This federation of nations still exists today.

The European Economic Community was the first example of both a common and single market, but it was an economic union since it had additionally became a customs union.

Every Economic union and Economic and monetary union has also a Common market:

Additionally the autonomous and dependent territories, such as some of the EU member state special territories, are sometimes treated as separate customs territory from their mainland state or have varying arrangements of formal or de facto customs union, common market and currency union (or combinations thereof) with the mainland and in regards to third countries through the trade pacts signed by the mainland state.

We have not yet seen these Economic Unions unit and elect a President or CEO that will manage the worlds resources using the laws created by the United Nations and verified by the World Court.  World events are leading us down the path to this economic conclusion.

The Slow Migration into a Police State World

What you have seen since World War II was the planting of False Flags such as the “Russians are coming or the Chinese are coming.”  Before the last trade tower fell, the government had someone at every TV station telling you that Ben Louden did it. We attacked two countries because Ben Louden was involved or they had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). They killed Ben Louden but no one can see the body or the pictures. They had to dump his body in the ocean before anyone knew anything about his attempted capture. 

The people have lost control of their Natural Resources.  Our fresh water is decreasing around the world. Soon we are going to have to pay 10 times more for clean water than we are today. Money is a VISA and MasterCard. This allows for automatic exchange of money so that the people can buy goods and services anywhere in the world.

They have a chip and pin for everyone. No, do you have a cell phone on you at all times?  Can a government agency track your phone calls at any given time and tell you what you said, even a year later? Can they find you if they want by tracking your phone? All this and more can be done today.

People started dying due to the mass depopulation by whatever means including WMD’s (depleted uranium), Vaccinations (HPV, Swine Flu, and other toxic jabs). You don’t think so? Tell me, have you had a flu shot this year? Which one of the 250 types of flu does it protect you against? The flu shot that you took this year was created last year. That flu shot was planned and designed two years ago. Now tell me how they knew what flu to protect you against two years before they gave it to you?    

As I told you many times before, your children are not taught to think in school. They are given 12 years of mind control. Your children are not taught how to manage money or buy a car or a house. They are taught to do what they are told regardless if it is to their best interest. As a matter of fact, most have no clue as to what is in their best interest because they were never taught how to plan their lives.

Many people are faced with forced removal. If the powers want your property, they take it. They did that to the Native Americans. The US highway system planners found a way to destroy every city minority community by running the highway through the middle of it.  In World War II, the government took the best land in California away from the Japanese Americans and gave it to the large corporations. 

They imprison people for anything now days. After 911 they started imprisoning people for things that they said. You can get in an argument and tell someone that you will harm them and get one year in prison for terroristic threats.

In many places such as Pittsburgh, Pa they will assassinate minorities at a traffic stop.  In Florida Travon Martin was coming home from the store and was assassinated because he looked like he was up to no good.  His killer George Zimmerman actions were held up to be legal in court.

Police use drones and cameras instead of meeting and working with the public.  CCTV/Internet/Phones Monitoring is the way the government is policing the public. In the future you will do what they say or have your chip switched off making it impossible for you to go to the bank, go shopping, go to the hospital or see a doctor without these basic needs. Your fate is clearly sealed!!

Who runs the world?
The New World Order (NWO) is headquartered in London, England. It is from here that the New World Order’s tentacles reach out across the pond to American, Europe, and the rest of the world with strong connections to the European Royal Families, the Rothschild’s, the Pilgrims Society, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), the Bank of England, selected banking and financial institutions, Friends of Israel Groups, and so many other “Elite Groups”……..not forgetting the Freemans etc.

These organizations control their counterparts over in the US.  The Rockefeller’s, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve Bank, AIPAC, and that little known powerful group known as The Project for the New America Century (PNAC) a so called charity that basically writes up the policy for the White House and Congress etc.

You may also find it hard to believe that part of the NWO is the UN and all its respective departments, the WHO, the ICJ, and the entire Judicial System, the Educational System, the foundation of the Banking and Financial System, the Mainstream Media, and believe it or not NATO which is its military arm. The latter is trying to spread its tentacles to form a defensive ring around the globe to basically surround the old Soviet Bloc and stop its ideology and also an attempt to stem the spread of Islam and etc. Basically one can clearly see that the Cold War as such has never ended and the Crusades continue.

You can clearly see the same game is on again with the buildup in the Middle East and with a focus (yet again) to boost joint military cooperation with South East Asian and Far Eastern countries including the latest pact signed with Australia which has now allowed the US to establish a base in Darwin, Northern Territory.

Benefits v. Struggles for You and Your Dependents       

A single market has many benefits. With full freedom of movement for all the factors of production between the member countries, the factors of production become more efficiently allocated, further increasing productivity.

For both business within the market and consumers, a single market is a very competitive environment, making the existence of monopolies more difficult. This means that inefficient companies will suffer a loss of market share and may have to close down. However, efficient firms can benefit from economies of scale, increased competitiveness and lower costs, as well as expect profitability to be a result. Consumers are benefited by the single market in the sense that the competitive environment brings those cheaper products, more efficient providers of products and also increased choice of products. Businesses in competition will innovate to create new products. That is another benefit for consumers.

Transition to a single market can have short term negative impact on some sectors of a national economy due to increased international competition. Enterprises that previously enjoyed national market protection and national subsidy (and could therefore continue in business despite falling short of international performance benchmarks) may struggle to survive against their more efficient peers, even for its traditional markets. Ultimately, if the enterprise fails to improve its organization and methods, it will fail. The consequence may be unemployment or migration. This is what the US and European Nation corporations are finding out today. As a result, the west is seeing high unemployment.


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