You notice that I have the “Risk Warning” sign up. This means that you read this at your own risk. Many people when hearing the truth cannot handle the truth. If you are one of many who just want to live blindly and not see what is going on around you, please do not read this blog. Make sure that you click on the links below to see the short "You Tube" presentations.

Let’s start by telling you about civilization.
Have you ever wondered why they tell us that the United States stands for freedom but our government jails more people than China and Russia combined? Have you ever wondered how the United States started in 1776 on the East coast of North America and now owns most of North America, controls the Pacific basin, South America, and the middle east? They invade countries and kill millions in the name of freedom. The government maintains over 700 bases over sees. We are free but the government takes half our income by force. The government they say was created to serve us. But now the United States is our master.
Let’s start by telling you about civilization. It is not true that civilization was started to serve people. Civilization was created to organize people into a herd so that they can serve a small group of people. These people gain wealth at the expense of the masses of people.

The reason why governments invaded and captured other people was to enslave them so that they can produce goods and services for the victors. This is true of the Chinese, Egyptians, NAZI Germany, the colonial empires of Europe, the Roman Empire, the United States, Russia, Japan, Great Britain, France, and etc. The ruling class kept the majority of the goods and services and paid the government enforcers the rest.

In the industrial revolution, the ruling class found out that they can get more production out of its slaves when they are given more “so called” freedoms. Let the slave live, mate with, and do what they like. That would make the slaves happy and they will produce more. Remind them that there is a lower class and if they do not conform to what they expect, they can be replaced with them. This is why after the civil war, in the Great Depression of the 1930s, all the way into the 1960s, Black people did not have the right to marry who they wanted, the right to live where they wanted, and do the type of work that they wanted.

Inside the White community in America, they had classes of people who had to live in segregated communities. Allegheny County Pennsylvania was a prime example of this. The British lived in Mt. Saint Clair. The Eastern Europeans lived in Homestead, West Homestead, and Munhall. The Germans and Austrians lived in Ross Township. In all, they had over 133 municipalities in the county run by different ethnic groups.
The United States was not alone in doing this. NAZI Germany started with killing over 25,000 Africans, then the handy cap, the slaves, and finally the Jews. Cambodia killed millions of their own people in the 1970s before the Vietnamese step in and stopped them.
The Slavic people in Southern Allegheny County wanted more of the profits from their labor. They decided to withhold their labor from the steel barons who controlled steel production in South Western Pennsylvania. This was the beginning of the “The Great Steel Strike of 1919.” But the steel barons had a trick for them. They went down south and hired Black men who badly needed work. They paid to bring them to South Western Pennsylvania to work in the mills. Not only did it break the strike but caused bad race relations between Blacks and Whites for over 60 years.
They did not have to kill the strikers to get what they wanted. They learned that all they had to do was take away their income and give it to people who the strikers believed was inferior to them.
Blacks were paid less than Whites in the mills and most Blacks were not promoted. It was not until the US government stepped in and the issue of Black pay was settled. That was just in time for the Steel Barons to close down the plants and send their production to other nations that demanded far lower pay.
You can look at countries as farms. You can look at states in the United States as farms. You have the freedoms that you have because it is cheaper for your masters to control you this way than it is to continue with chattel slavery or serfdom. You have the illusion of freedom to travel, to work, and to quit your farm. But all you do is go to another farm and start all over again. At least it makes you happy which makes you more productive for your master.
We are now in the third phase of civilization. We are in the time of world central government called the “New World Order.” This means that the masters have tighter control of the farms so you will see more entertainment. That means that your freedoms will be less because you will be taught less about freedoms.
This is 2012 and we are in the New World Order. Earth is not the only place that has people that our masters want to enslave. Our masters have been working with several alien species but they do not want you to know about it yet. They are letting information out little by little to get you, the cattle use to hearing about it. The next step is to allow you to start seeing these people little by little. They will be introduced to the public in a harmless setting. The last step is to finger these people or some people like them as the enemy to be feared. After all, they are jealous of your life style. I know you heard that before.
Who are your masters in the New World Order? Let’s start with the year 1784, the Synagogue of Satan was found to have documented plans to bring about a one world government. The Illuminati was behind this conspiracy to create this one world government. It is the Illuminati that have a long term objective of imposing the Luciferian Ideology upon the Human Race. This plan calls for the destruction of all governments and religions.

The illuminati were exposed by the Bavarian Government as wanting to create a one world government for their “God Lucifer.” You Tube goes on to tell you how they plan to carry out this mission. The plan calls for controlling the press, controlling officials by black mail, make promises to the public that they know cannot be kept, and many more.
The Illuminati have been active in starting and fueling wars all over the world for 200 years. The Bush family for at least three generations is very active in the Illuminati plans. This organization makes money off of wars. Look on the back of your dollar bill. Do you see the eye? This eye was first used by Aleister Crowley. He confirmed the early Illuminati documents in one of his books.

Anyone who ask questions about “Skull and bones” or about the New World Order Activities is treated like criminals. The people who belong to these groups are your leaders in Government, Banking, Industry, Media, and Utilities. They meet in secret and carry out satanic religious ceremonies in secret.

Initiates are told that they are now superior beings, part of elite who control Earth’s Human Population with War, Terror, and Famine. These are the people that you have running the human affairs of this Earth.
Is it possible that we are going to get caught between a major planetary war that will kill billions of people on Earth? I do know this, “No man, woman, or child will be safe in the near future.”

Did you see how fast they got the man out of the room when he asked Bill Clinton about “Bohemian Grove?” Some things you just don’t talk about. Anyone that speaks out about these secret organizations is discredited.
G.W. Bush signed the Patriot act into law. That law makes it possible to put people in jail without a trial or charges to get them out of the way. This man also started destroying America by killing us with debt.
Before the Illuminati can finish carrying out their plan to control the world, they must neutralize, infiltrate, or disarm any countries that may be able to attack them with nuclear Weapons. Look in the news and you can easily tell who these countries are. Will they use Obama to carry out that mission?
I suggest you prepare for the food shortage!
The Illuminati use the Satanic Cults in America and around the world to help carry out their plans. You thought human sacrifice is dead? Then you have not met Mr. Crowley. He personally killed thousands of babies. Evil spirits who Crowley claims are aliens visit him and give him information. These aliens are shape shifters.
The Brotherhood of the Snake claims to be the only true representative of Lucifer on Earth. They claim he is the only true God. Members of the Brotherhood come from the political left and the right. They will eliminate all religions and put in place a socialist world government. At that point, you will live in their reality.

When the government comes to you and tell you that the aliens are killing people, just remember, you heard all this before on 9/11. Keep in mind; the Illuminati want to keep us confused. We don’t know the truth from disinformation. We know that aliens are here but we do not know what aliens are working for the masters and who is not.
Know that when a superior civilization comes in contact with a less developed civilization, the less develop civilization is at a disadvantage.
UFOs are real and I personally have seen an alien. UFOs have shot down our missiles. They have deactivated our missile silos. They killed Todd Sees in Point Township, Pa. They took him in front of witnesses. This has been done many times around the world.
We are threatened by the Illuminati. Satan can be no friend to humans. What we do not know is what species of alien the Illuminati are in contact with? As you know, 2012 is the end of the Mayan calendar. The last time the calendar ended a major part of its calendar was when Columbus came to Central America. We know how that turned out for the Native Americans all through North and South America over the next 6 centuries. We also know how it turned out for Africans. Aliens are coming here. We are not going there. Could this mean another unhappy ending for all of mankind?
I would not believe everything in this blog’s “You Tube” Videos. But every lie is based on the truth. The fact is a group of people with a lot of money and power want to run this world. It is up to you to figure out if it is in your best interest or not for these people to run this planet! If it is not it is up to you to do something about it.
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