This is a Video Game of war strategy.
Over 1,500,000 people on Facebook played this game.
All I hear now in the news is about the 28 people who died in Sandy Hook
Elementary School after an alleged mentally ill person turned on a school full
of innocent young children, killing as many as he could before killing himself.
No one thinks it more terrible than I do. But knowing how society works, in
about 6 months, the country will be on some other shocking development. Nothing
will be done to stop such a shocking event from happening again.
Yea, we may get some new gun law out of this. But that will not stop people from
shooting into a school full of 6 year old children. They may lock some more
people up that someone deemed crazy but that will not stop the people who are
deemed sane from blowing up a school next time and picking off children as they
run out of the school.
In other words, society will attack the symptoms instead of the problem. The
problem is not the guns or the mentally ill. The problem is how we raise
children and treat people. This is something that we just are not going to talk
about because we will have to do something and people may not make as much
The Shooter in Newtown
You don’t have to be a Christian to know that some Biblical principles work in
Have you ever heard, “You reap what you sow.”
I invest in many corporations all over this country. I can make money investing
in companies that make up the Military Industrial Complex. But I will not invest
in weapon manufacturing companies. If you invest in weaponry design to kill
massive amounts of people, you are sowing the seeds of mass murder in future
years. The reason why is because you reap what you sow.
The pension fund of the teachers working in the rich exclusive Sandy Hook School
System invested in gun manufacturers. Now that some of these guns killed some
of the teachers who had their money in these companies, the pension fund wants
to divest itself of these companies. They sow the investment seeds that
produced the gun and bullets. Some man took the guns produced and from that you
know what was reaped.
That brings up another spiritual law, “You live by the sword and you die by the
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the second most powerful gun lobby,
headquartered In Newtown, Connecticut. They are just across the highway from
Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. It is a stately white
building with an American flag flying out front. They are the headquarters of
the United States’ premiere industry association for gun retailers. You don’t
think that this association has any influence in Newtown?
This country lives on war and selling of arms. Thank you for serving to keep us
free. People have been serving this country from the removing of the 5 civilized
Indian Nations in the Eastern Southern States around 1820 to the invasion of
Iraq and Afghanistan in the 21st Century. We have been raising a bunch of
killers for 300 years. We have been living by the wishes of the Military
Industrial complex. Now the people in this nation are afraid of anyone who
disagrees with what we do or how we do it. You are missing building in New York
City and most of us have no idea how that happened. So after living by the
sword, why do you think you would not die by such?
Another law that you may not have heard of, “Faith comes by hearing.”
I know so much about investments because I have been learning about them for
over 50 years. So I built up faith over these 50 years to use what I learned.
That is positive faith.
Have you watched what your children are watching on TV, on the Internet, and on
their video games? They are seeing and hearing how to mass murder people in the
name of righteousness. In the mind of any person, what they think is right is
right according to what they believe. If they have been hearing how to kill
people for 15 to 30 years, don’t you think that they built up faith to do such a
thing? They may not be crazy. They may be educated to take out as many people as
they can. That is negative faith. That is because faith comes by hearing.
Nostradamus was right when he said that in the future, no man, woman, or child
will be safe in this world. In order to stop people from killing men, women, and
children, every man, woman, and child will have to learn how to treat people
like they would want to be treated. The failure to do that is why we have mass
killings like Sandy Hook Elementary School. This is something that we do not
want to learn how to do. This is why such killings will go on.
How do you like the world that you help create?
How do you like the world that you help create?