The General Election is over and Obama won just like I
thought he would. Governments have elections when they know how the election is
going to turn out. Here is the reason why the United States has a two party
system. To run in the two party system, you have to pass around a petition and
get a required number of voters from your party to get on the ballot. The higher the office, the more money you have
to pay to get on the ballot. You must get your petition back into the election
office in the required time and you must have the proper legal signatures and
stamps. If someone does not want you on the ballot, they can challenge your petition.
This is how they control the number of
people running for a position. The less running, the more a group of people can
control who gets the job. If challengers survive that then they have the media
make them look like a recent inmate from a county jail. If they can control who gets the job, they may
be able to control who gets the contract, licenses, and appointed positions controlled
by that political employee.
I have been accused of interfering in elections in the past.
I am a US Citizen and a super voter but
I do not play by the rules of the system.
I studied how the local, state, national, and international systems work
and I know how to interfere with the rich and powerful people’s plans when I do
not agree with them. I have been interrogated for telling the public what
political employees and their appointees have been doing to the public on several
occasions. I have also been punished for it. People have had Black people file
charges against me while they the interrogators stayed in the back ground.
Obama is nothing more than an employee that figured out how
to beat the system. He went to the right schools and made friends with the
right people. He maneuvered his way up the political latter to the US Senate.
No one expected him to seriously challenge the power structure for the job of
President of the United States. After all, he is Black. Most voters are White. When
they found out that voters of all colors were taking him seriously, they had to
try to discredit him. This is why you know the name Jeremiah Alvesta Wright,
Jr. They tried guilt by association. Over time, this did not work.
KKK warns of death threat against Barack Obama
Look at the link above.
Since 1980, the GOP is a partnership of the South affiliated
KKK organizations and the people who hate non-Whites in the Western States.
These are the people who believe that the White race in America is being discriminated
against. They believe that their rights should be more equal than everyone else’s.
In 2008, the GOP knew that running against Obama would not
be difficult. All they had to do was paint him as a Socialist Liberal who hated
White people. But they did not count on one serious problem that the GOP was
having. They were residing over the worst Great Depression that this country has
seen since the 1930s. A goat could have run against the GOP and won.
After the election, the hatred against Obama grew. He went
to school with them but he was not one of them. The world governing elite had
no problem with him as a Presidential Employee. But his piers did. The Speaker
of the House and many other people came out in public and said that they hope
the President fails.
Rush Limbaugh wants Obama to fail
People slandered him saying that he is not a citizen of
the United States. They called him “uppity” and everything but a child of God. Obama was treated the same as most Black
people in America hired to do a job. He found himself in a position of getting
no cooperation, isolation, and accusations against him.
What Republicans Really Want is For Obama To Fail!
But one thing the GOP would not believe, the makeup of the
United States has changed. It is no longer Black (the minority) and the Whites (the
Majority), which they knew from the time of the country’s creation. Since the 1950s,
minorities from all over the world came to America and became American
citizens. The GOP knew that they can defeat him with that same old anti-Black
message of “He is an uppity foreign Black that is in a position that is over
his head. He is incompetent.”
I said nothing while the campaign went on. I knew the
election was a done deal. The media told us that the election was a “dead heat.”
I don't call 303 to 206 Electoral Votes a
“dead heat” like the media has been saying. In fact, it would be hard for Obama
to lose the election no matter how hard he tried to do so (his debate
performance). The United States is no longer overwhelmingly white. That is
something that the GOP refused to believe. They long for the days when they can
beat up on defenseless Black people like Mayor of Baltimore, Agnew did. That is
why Agnew became Vice President under Nixon. They refuse to believe time has passed
them by. This color time bomb has been ticking for 50 years in the United
The Republican Party has paid no attention to this fact. You can see this at
every election stop made by the Republicans in this campaign. The crowds were
always White. Here is why the media can sell to the public that the race was a
“dead heat” when in fact, it was a runaway election.
White people ignore anyone that is not white so Blacks are not included in most
polling especially Republican polling. If the Republican Party does not find a
way to include people of color into their party, they can look for a bigger
time bomb explosion in 4 years. If they do not learn after that, look for a
third party to replace the Republican Party, one that includes people of color
and is approved by the world masters.
Your first clue that the President won the election came when Mayor Michael
Bloomberg of New York indorsed Obama and the Republican up start of the
Republican Party New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie followed Obama around in front
of the media looking like a bobble head doll every time Obama made a speech.
Let’s not forget Republican General Powell’s last minute endorsement of Obama.
He did the same thing when it was clear that Obama would win in 2008.
City of Harrisburg, Pa.
Your Vote Really is not Worth a “God Damn!”
I waited until after the
general election to talk about the disaster in Harrisburg. I can care
less what employee runs what government. But I do care if I am being
robbed or not. People think that the Harrisburg politicians caused the
disaster in Harrisburg. Not really! It was the area politicians that
caused the problems in Harrisburg. The lack of Political over site of
local government allowed Mayor Reed to run amuck. They allowed him to
run City Authorities, run candidates for City Council, and control the
auditor and treasurer’s office. His political machine got so powerful in
the area that they threatened the media by harassing their advertisers
when they would print or put on TV things that Mayor Reed did not like.
Any one that said anything that Mayor Reed did not want to hear was
punished economically.
The Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority
is now running the Harrisburg Incenerator.
is what laid the ground work for the Mayor hiring unqualified people
to do multimillion dollar jobs. The jobs usually turned out to be big
failures. The two contractors talked about below could not be bonded
because of lack of experience or problems with their contracting
history. The Mayor knew this but they were hired anyway without City
financial protection. The question that law enforcement should be asking
is why did the Federal, State, and Local law enforcement and regulators
allow this to happen? Why when told what was going on did they say
nothing and now say that no one told them anything. Why was it so
important that Mayor Reed hire these contractors?
Disgraced developer back in court
Hearing on Harrisburg debt shows 'no one is
minding the store, and there's no police or penalties for robbing it'
What you see above is a "Pattern and Practice" of Business behavior by Mayor Reed and his political organization.
Reed spent over $30 Million on artifacts, many of them was not worth
$10. Where did the money come from to make such purchases? Why wasn’t an
artifact analyst called in to review the items before purchase?
Linda Thompson took office and renovated the second floor of the City
Office Building. A reporter reported that Mayor Thompson spend $33,000
renovating her office with expensive furniture. The Patriot News
published the invoices that they claimed proved that Mayor Thompson did
just that. No one took the time to read these invoices and verified that
Mayor Thompson in fact did sign for these invoices. About $12,000 was
sign after January 1 by Mayor Thompson. The rest was signed by Mayor
Reed. I pointed this out. The Patriot News withdrew the article and the
invoices in a flash. The media did not tell the public about the
Do you think that anyone would start an investigation to find
out what happened to the approximately $21,000 in supplies ordered by
Mayor Reed? No, “they could not get Linda on this” so let’s move on was
the consensus of the public.In the middle of this mess are the citizens left with the debt that must be paid to corporations that lobbied to get these politicians to put you the citizen in bondage with this debt.
Crisis in Harrisburg shows that the City is the poster child for what
is wrong with the state of Pennsylvania and probably the United States.
So I don’t care who you voted for in any race because your vote really
is not worth a “God Damn!” But yes, there is a way that you can make your vote count. But it takes work on your part.
How can I make my vote count?
system is designed so that you the individual can make no difference.
But if you want to make a difference you can. But I warn you, you will
piss off the local, state, federal, or world political bosses. Here is
what you must know.
1. You must understand that the more people that vote the less your vote counts.
you ever wondered why in the Presidential Election, you vote for the
Candidate for President representative in the Electoral College? These
representative votes for the Candidate for President. All 50 states and
DC gets several votes. They do not vote with an equal number of
representatives. For example, Pennsylvania gets 20 votes, Ohio has 18,
New Mexico has 5, and DC has 3 votes. If you want to see the total
number of votes given to each state, look at this link,
this, you can see that some states can control the election by
population. The population is controlled by the amount of jobs in a
given state. The amount of jobs in a given state is controlled by
corporations, large as well as small.
should tell you that you have more voting power when you vote for a
City Council member, mayor of your municipality such as in your City,
township, or borough. If you have only 20,000 eligible to vote, only
10,000 will vote in your municipal election. Now compare that with the
2004 Presidential Election where 118,699,542 voted. You can see how much
your vote has been diluted. The more your vote is diluted, the less
your concerns will be heard by politicians.
2. You must understand that your vote has more of a chance of getting what you want from your municipality than you do the nation.
you noticed that in the 2012 Presidential Election, over $4 Billion was
spent on advertising by the candidates? This money was paid to the
newspapers, radio, TV, Satellite, and cable media. I call this “media
Christmas time.” The media will join in this circus by telling you up to
the minute “bathroom stops” that the candidates make. This is to get
you, the voter to think that you have a vested interest in what is going
on in who becomes President. The challenger has no clue what they are
talking about and the President knows but can’t tell you because it is
not what you want to hear. In fact, both candidates will have pollsters
calling you asking you the voter questions about what interest you.
Next, the candidates will use the media to tell you that they are
interested in the same thing you are interested in. The only difference
is that they will talk in vague terms such as they want to bring back
good American values or they know how to bring back good paying jobs.
This is how the system works and this is your part in it.
your municipal election, your media will tell you how to vote according
to the people who control that media. They will keep from you what is
going on politically. They will tell you the latest scandals of people
and family members who threaten the local power structure. They can make
Jesus look like the child of Satan. Most people believe what they see
on TV and hear. That is why many municipalities have the same people for
years in government that seem to take high salaries while giving all
the municipal business to their friends. This is why many municipalities
have a corrupt power structure and is full of debt. As a matter of
fact, this is why Harrisburg, Pa. is insolvent today. These politicians
and corporate leaders depend on no information or distorted information
getting to you about your local situation. In this way, you will vote
for them not for your best interest.
a municipality election, you have a far better chance of electing our
own people or retiring politicians who are not acting in your best
interest. But you must understand the process and have a strategy for
retiring your current leaders.
3. What do you have to do to get your people elected to local office?
campaign has two sides to it. You have your candidate that wants the
job. You have a candidate that you want to fire. Some people like me is
only interested in firing people who I feel is not working in my best
interest. I believe that my challenger must prove that they are
civically on my side. They have a term to prove it. What is my interest?
I want my street paved. I want police and fire protection. I want my
garbage picked up. I want people to stop parking in front of my driveway
and in fire lanes. I don’t want to pay more taxes than anyone else. I
don’t want public money stolen.
can’t start your campaign with a petition drive. If you do, you are
usually too late. You first need to develop an organization online or
with people. These people will spread the word to your potential voters
bypassing the established media. Know what issues are important to your
voters (in your election, your interests are not important). Remember,
you want votes not an ego trip. You want to stay away from literature
that say no more than, “Hi, My name is Darnell Williams. I am cute. I
went to school and I live here. I am running for Dog Pound Leader. Vote
for me.” Your campaign literature should reflect what the people want.
You send this literature out online, by canvassing neighborhoods, or in
person. Go to meet the candidate night expecting to answer and talk
about issues that your voters think are important. But remember, you
will be confronting people who may not want you elected, be careful on
what positions you or your candidate takes. Stick with your issues and
don’t get off message.
also told you that your campaign should talk about what the incumbent
has not done or about their mismanagement of public activities. This is
why you and your organization should have been attending City Council or
other public meetings for years before this campaign. This is where you
find out why things happened against your best interest. You should
keep a record of what is going on and who is involved. Never tell anyone
outside your group what you are doing. The power structure will be
watching you because you are gaining knowledge about their activity.
When they find out that you are a true threat to them, they will go
after you, intimidate you, and try to discredit you. When election time
comes, this is the time to expose the incumbent’s activates to the
public a week before the election. You do it by the largest mass mailing
or online mailing list that you can get. This is when the local voters
will pay the most attention to the local election and it will be too
late for the incumbent to react. At this point, the local power
structure cannot help the incumbent and they will be in a fair political
fight for their job.