I consider myself friends with everyone on City Council and Mayor Linda Thompson. However, business is business.
People who voted for Mayor Reed are asking why did we vote for Linda instead of Steve? The answer; because Steve caused the problem and we would still have the problem if Steve was re-elected. The only difference is we would not know that he caused the problem. We would not be talking about ACT 47. We would be in court facing creditor and selling off City assets. He would blame it on City Council and run candidates against the incumbents.
Linda is not that clever, sly, or sneaky. That is why you know about this problem today. Linda said on day one that she was hitting the ground running but all she did was hit the ground.
You need five City Council Members to file bankruptcy. Mayor Linda Thompson will not cooperate. This I am sure. It is up to Patty Kim to place the City under Court protection. What she has not figure out is that the bond insurance company, Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp. (AGM) planned for this action in 2004 when they said that they would not approve the bond sell unless the Harrisburg Authority had the City and the County co-sign. That way if the Harrisburg Authority and the City could not pay, the County would be stuck with the payments. AGM knew that it was a predatory loan. If they did not know then AGM would not have insisted on two co-signers. Does Patty want to protect the bondholders or the citizens of Harrisburg?
Now if Patty does not get smart fast, Senator Jeff Piccola and the Republican Party will take over the City and Patty and the rest of City government leaders will be just our figure head City government. The County and its Republican leaders don’t want to be stuck with the bill without control of the City. Now Patty, do you want a say in how the City is run or do you want the state and county to do that for you?
I like the idea of having a State District as the Capital. Don’t you?
Patty, it is your call!
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