Well Harrisburg, the ball is in your court. You can allow a state takeover of the City of Harrisburg, (or should I say Harrisburg State District) or will you file for bankruptcy while you still can? The choice is yours!
I see a 4 diesel engine freight train coming down the track that is about to run through Harrisburg. City leaders can't see it. Either they are death, dumb, and blind or they are just so much into themselves that they don't care about a takeover of Harrisburg.
The first engine is the Republican Party. They have control of the Pennsylvania State Government. They make state law. The second engine is the Dauphin County Commissioners who want control of the City and have a Republican Party Majority. The third engine is the perception that the City of Harrisburg cannot govern themselves. The media has spent over a year making that case to the people in the area. They even had help from ignorant City politicians, just like they helped with the Harrisburg School Board Takeover years ago. The fourth engine are the creditors who are starting to demand that something be done about protecting their interest from the problems of the City. They have control of the politicians throughout the country.
Recently, the county commissioners said that the Act 47 plan is a good plan. Why? Because it would give Jeff Piccola and the Republican Party time to pass a bill to stop Harrisburg from declaring bankruptcy. If the Senator gets his way, Harrisburg would be a district of the state. The county would be in a position to have a say about the financial status in Harrisburg. They would have a say in increasing taxes in Harrisburg. They can stop a commuter tax for the rest of the county. Both the state officials and the county officials will see to it that the residents of Harrisburg will be made to pay for all the financial disasters created by the Reed Administration in the past 20 years.
Harrisburg resident’s taxes will increase more under a Harrisburg State District Plan than it would under a court run bankruptcy plan. From what I see of a dysfunctional City government, Harrisburg DS is the only plan we have. So City Leaders, continue to do nothing while your residents burn financially!
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