Thursday, September 27, 2012

How the World Really Works

My daughter on her wedding day.

It is Presidential election time again. I am voting for Obama. Not because I think he is doing a great job. I am voting for him because he is Black and I want to see Black people as the boss for once. OK, maybe one other reason. Mitt Romney is the rich people's candidate. I am part of the 47% that he claims mooch off of the government. As far as who is the best candidate for the job, Obama or his challenger, that not important. That depends on what you, the voter wants and that is an individual choice.
My daughter is young and is excited about this political propaganda that they put on TV. She really thinks that voting for Obama or his challenger is going to make a difference in her life. That is what the founding fathers want her and everyone else to think because making people think they have a stake in their government makes it easier to govern these same people. She does not know that in any election, local, state, or federal, the people are voting for employees who take orders from the corporate interest representing the world controlling families. They know how far they can go in their elected office. 

The Empire State Building in New York City, taken from New York, New Jersey.

For example, the mayor of a city can fix street lights and pave streets. But if the head of the major corporation in their city calls and says that they want to put 100 people in the street and out of their homes to building a multimillion dollar plant, that mayor will take over their homes for that company. It does not matter if the people in these homes are supporters or not.  Let’s say that the mayor sides with the people, the corporation will appeal to the County and get what they want. If the Mayor is hostile to the corporation's business, they will find and support some candidate to run against the Mayor. That candidate will have money from supporters and media attention. The corporation will stay in the background. The public will not know that the corporate leaders are behind the overthrow of the mayor.
Political Parties no matter what type of government it is under
 work for the World Controlling Families.

Preparing to Rule     
Since before Jesus walked the Earth, the ruling classes wanted to control the world. Why, only they can answer. It was not until the 15th century that the ruling class in Europe had the means to do this. Here is why the rulers of Europe intermarried. But they ran into several problems.
First, the ruling class must be able to speak with one voice for the whole world. Hitler backed by his banking, industrial, and military people showed how important that really is when trying to maintain world order.
Second, the world must be standardized so that people can go from one country and work in another. If you noticed in the last 50 years, all highway signs are starting to look the same around the world. So are the driving rules. For example, many people from India work today in the United States for multinational Companies. Corporate leaders move companies and production from country to another country.   Industries in china were once worked by Americans in American cities. Quietly, standardization is taking place and people are not realizing it. Your political leaders don’t work for you. They work for the ruling class through the political parties and the multinational interests. That is the reason why no matter who gets into office, nothing changes.
Third, the nation’s military is going to have to be placed under the control of the ruling class. This is why you have such organizations as NATO and the United Nations Security Council.  This will stop Civil War on an international scale. The ruling class will be able to control the people in the event that they start rebelling against the new world order. Hitler again showed why this is important and so are the rebellions taking place in the Middle East today.
The People and Their Rulers
The people are too far removed from world leadership to know that such leadership exists. The ruling families represent people in many of the leading nations around the world. They are leaders of multinational banking, industrial, and utility interest. These are the people with the world plans. They are so powerful that they can make or break a city, county, or state in the United States.
For example, in 1970, Pittsburgh, Pa. was one of the leaders in the production of steel, glass, paint, and coal. It was the third largest city in the nation with the most corporate headquarters. By 1990, 20 years later, Pittsburgh and its suburbs lost population. Out of 33 steel mills, 30 closed. The mills and many corporations moved out of the country. Other multinational corporations moved away from the tri-county area. Many supporting companies filed for bankruptcy and closed. The people who worked in these companies for generations found themselves unemployed, in debt, and having their homes foreclosed on. At the same time, people in the Middle Eastern nations, India, China, and Japan who only owned bicycles in the 1970, started owning cars and had money in the bank by 2010.
Power like this influences nations to the point where nations, no matter what form of government they may have, will conform to the wishes of these industrial leaders run by the world controlling families. This is the power that corporations have over local, state, and national interest. These corporations are controlled by the powerful world family leaders who will one day be your world government.      

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