If I was not proud of Daniel before, I am proud of his performance at the UAGTCA Indoor Development 3 meet on Saturday Feb. 11, 2012. I don’t mind saying that he ran his butt off. He ran his personal best in the 1500 Meter as well as the 400 Meter run. I know that he is doing so well because of the treadmill training that he does twice a week, running 10 minutes at speed 8 as well as 4 five minute periods at the same speed.

Daniel running in his 1500 Meter Run
I am very happy with the speed reduction that he has shown in the 1500 Meter Run. In the first developmental meet, he ran 7 min. 31.51 Seconds. The second developmental meet showed a time of 7 minutes, 3.53 seconds. But in this meet, Daniel ran a time of 6 minutes, 32.01 seconds. That is 2 minutes faster than his time last year in February.

Daniel in the race of his 6 year old life
Daniel ran with the best that the Philadelphia area offered. The Drumwright family is the best in this event. They are members of the Mallery Challengers Track Club out of 4 E McPherson St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19119. They specialize in long distance running. Both Daniel and Andrew battled all 8.5 laps for second place. At the end, Daniel was able to get the edge on Andrew because Daniel ran through the finish line. Andrew slowed down just before the finish line. This is a habit that most children have at 8 years old and under.Everyone in that race was one year older than Daniel.
Daniel also had a time of 1 minute, 36.26 second in the 400 Meter run. The best time was 1 minute 21.45 Seconds. Daniel won his heat but finished 22nd overall. Forty-six athletes participated in this run.
Ben Johnston Stadium - Site License
2012 UAGTCA Indoor Development Meet #3 - 2/11/2012
2012 Indoor #3
Widener University - Chester PA
Event 12 1500 Meter Run Sub-Bantam Boys
UAG Indoor: > 5:47.39 2/20/2010 Marvin Harrison, Mallery T. C.
Name Year Team Finals Points
1 Drumwright, Aaron 04 Mallery 5:59.75 10
2 Tulloch, Daniel 05 Unattached 6:32.01 8
3 Drumwright, Andrew 04 Mallery 6:32.06 6
4 Tutt, Ammar 04 Athletes Academy 6:58.43 5
5 Truesdale, Johnathan 04 Mt. Airy Track Club 6:58.50 4
Daniel is awesome, thanks to his will and desire to commit to training. The family support helps tremendously. As well as the dedicated coaching of his Grandfather Darnell. "high five" Daniel..