NOTE: USATF make changes to meets and event with little notice. Please come back to this blog for changes to the USATF Calendar.
Daniel will specialize in the 400 Meter, 800 Meter, and 1500 Meter Runs. His 2011 schedule is listed below.
Fun Meet (A). May 21, 2011 Saturday 10:00 AM at Harrisburg High School -- Hershey Youth
Meet #1. May 28, 2011 -- Preliminary Meet #4 at Bethel Park HS, near Pittsburgh, Pa.
Meet #2. 6/4/11
USATF Mid-Atlantic Association Preliminary (Delaware) Junior Olympic T&F Meet
in Newark, DE.
The Top 6 athletes in each event will advance to the USATF Mid-Atlantic Association Junior Olympic Meet at West Chester University, PA..
Contact: Sharnette Handy-Hall
phone: 302-750-0354
Meet #3. June 18, 20011 Preliminary Meet #7 Penn Hills HS near Pittsburgh, Pa.
Meet #4. June 25 and 26, 2011 USATF MidAtlantic Association Junior Olympic Championship at West Chester University, PA. Top 6 finishers will continue on to the USATF Region 2 Track & Field July 7-July 10, at California University, Pennsylvania.
Fun Meet (B). July 5 at 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Jim Thorpe Meet at Echer Field Boiling Springs High School.
Meet #5 -- July 7-July 10 USATF Region 2 Track & Field Meet at California University, Pa. Top 5 finishers go to Nationals.
Meet #6. July 26 - 31, 2011 National Championships in Wichita, Kansas
If Daniel goes to nationals and depending on what events he will participate in, this may be his schedule;
- Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 1:45 PM, the first round of the 800 Meter Run.
- Friday, July 29, 2011 at 8:00 AM, Semi-final of the 800 Meter Run and at 1:00 PM, the first round of the 400 Meter Run.
- Saturday, July 30, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Semi-final of the 400 Meter Run.
- Sunday, July 31, 2011 at 11:30 AM, the finals of the 1500 Meter Run and at 12:45 PM, the finals of the 400 Meter Run.
Daniel’s Training Program:
Daniel’s Training Program is written for long distance and endurance.
Distance and Endurance RunningDaniel runs up to 6 miles nonstop usually at Central Dauphin High School’s Track.
Speed DrillsDaniel runs up to 2 ½ Miles nonstop at high speed. He runs latter’s (100, 200, 400, 800 and 1 mile then back down again).
Weight DrillsDaniel ways about 60 pounds but runs with 6 pounds of weights on his legs for 3 miles nonstop. Sometimes he runs with another 6 pounds on his arms in addition to his legs. He also runs the bleachers at Central Dauphin’s track as well as the hills at Central Dauphin Jr. High and in his neighborhood.
Length of Practice
His practice can last from 45 minutes to 2 hours, twice a week. He only practices twice a week because of his age. We do not want to disturb his growth development, keeping his strength of his bones in mind for his teenage and early adult years.
Why Daniel is not trained for the 100 Meter and 200 Meter Dash?
We are not training Daniel to run the short races such as the 100 and 200 Meter Dash because everyone and anyone are running these races. It takes very little training to run these races and the field of athletes is crowed in short races. It takes years of development to run the longer races. In the next 4 years Daniel will probably drop the 400 Meter in favor of the 8000 Meter Run.
When Daniel reaches Middle and High School, his school track couch will place him where they feel he is needed to win the schools track meets. The same will happen in college. These coaches may give Daniel the opportunity to run the 100 and 200 Meter Dash depending on team need.
Watching Daniel’s meets on the Internet!
Tips for you!
If you want to running like Daniel, here are some running tips!
Daniel has been blessed with the running movements of the Browns, Walkers, Blues, and Cherokees. Daniel inherited African endurance. He has been given the quickness and speed of the Jamaicans. Now all he needs is training and development. You can help Daniel with his long distance track development by donating to his effort. Track and Field is a very expensive sport especially if the athlete has to travel all over the country to compete. You can be a part of his future plans by sending a check or money order to Daniel Tulloch;
I/O The Daniel Tulloch Track Fund
3748 Vista Terrace
Harrisburg, Pa. 17111
You can send a note along with your donation asking that the money be spent in the following categories;
1. Gas and travel expenses for track meets – this goes toward gas to get him to Baltimore, Western Pa., the Philadelphia area, or for plane tickets to Nationals.
2. Track shoes and uniforms – Daniel is still growing and he will need track shoes every year. Plus he will need track clothing for summer and winter.
3. USATF and AAU membership and entrance Fees. Track Meets are not free for children. They must pay USATF and AAU membership fees as well as meet entrance fees.
4. General fund that can be used for all three areas.
Be a sponsor of his track meets and be recognized on his future blogs. In the future, you can say when watching him on TV, IPAD, Note Pad, or other future media devices that you played a part in making the “Jamaican Flash” dream possible.
Kathy Derr – Washingtonville, Pa.
Damine Tulloch – Harrisburg, Pa.
Stephanie Tulloch – Harrisburg, Pa.
Darnell Williams – Harrisburg, Pa.
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