They made it official; Daniel Tulloch age 5 will compete in the USA Track and Field Mid-Atlantic Association Indoor Developmental Championship Meet on Sunday February 27, 2011. The meet will be held at Widener University, Schwartz Athletic Center, One University Place, Chester, Pa. The meet will start at 1:00 PM. He will run as a non-affiliate of local and regional track teams.
Stephanie had already purchased Daniel’s membership in the USA Track and Field Mid-Atlantic Association (USATF). Daniel will run in the Sub-bantam Age Division. He will run the 1500 meter, 800 meter, and 400 meter races. This will be Daniel’s first official track meet under USATF rules. The meet will be used as a training exercise for the USATF MidAtlantic Association Junior Olympic Qualifiers Meet on Saturday June 25, 2011. If he places in the top three at that meet, he will go on to the USATF Region 2 Track and Field meet in July, hosted by the Three Rivers Association in the Pittsburgh, Pa area.

Grandfather Darnell Williams brought up the idea to enter Daniel to Stephanie Tulloch, his daughter. Stephanie was for the idea of placing him in the 400 and 800 meter races but hesitated on the 1500 meter race in the belief that Daniel may get bored with the race. Darnell said that this is the reason why we need to use this to find out what Daniel can do against competition.
Daniel has been running up to 5 mile at a time at Central Dauphin High School’s track. The only problem Darnell can see is that he will have to learn the rules; such as staying between the lines and leaving the starting line after the gun sounds. Daniel has a habit of looking back to see where others are. This can slow him down and cause him to run out of his lane.
Damine, his father was concern that he would go from one race then start another without rest. His wife Stephanie explained that Daniel will have time between races to rest. Darnell did not believe rest is necessary because Daniel runs 5 miles then without rest continues to run.
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